The Drawing Teacher

What is drawing?
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Edward Hill -  
 "To obtain a sense of the complete organism of drawing, it is necessary first to discover the seed.  The seed lies in the verb to draw.  To draw requires an action, a performance, and this-- the act of drawing--is the genesis of the subject" (Hill, 1966, p.1).
Duane and Sarah Preble-
"Drawing is the most immediate and accessible way to communicate through imagery.  Children draw long before they learn to write, and some continue to draw into adulthood. ... The most important factors are interest, and understanding that seeing and drawing are learned processes" (Preble, 1989, p.117).
Webster's New World Dictionary-
"1. the act of a person or thing that draws.   2. the art of representing something by lines drawn with a pencil, pen, etc.    3. a picture, design, etc. thus made" (Webster's, 1966, p.228).

Hill, E. (1966).  The language of drawing.  New  Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc..
Preble, D. & Preble, S. (1989).  Artforms (4th ed.).  New York: Harper & 
     Row, Publishers.  
Webster's New World Dictionary Of The American Language, (1966).  
     Nashville,Tenn: The Southwestern Company.